Acne is a skin condition that usually occurs during adolescent years. Some adolescents experience acne a little before they turn thirteen while others also experience acne going well beyond their 20th birthday. Acne manifests as skin blemishes that range from whiteheads, blackheads to pustules and acne scars. Acne scars ocur when the acne is not healed easily and the infection of the pustules and skin is extended and severe.

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Acne scar healing comes in a variety of methods some of which may be as easy as home remedies while others need some consultations with skin doctors or dermatologists. Acne scar healing is not actually a matter of life or death. There is actually no pressing need for acne scar healing other than for aesthetics purposes entirely. The scars do not directly affect any bodily function and do not threaten the physical health of the person. Of course, psychological issues regarding acne scar healing is a different matter entirely. People put great store in how they look and acne scars, which usually occur in the face, can be debilitating for many. Thus some people have the need for acne scar healing.


These acne scar healing option uses collagen or fats to fill up the scar left by acne. This is probably one of the more common and safer forms of acne scar healing methods but this is also a temporary solution.  In as little as six weeks the injected collagen or fat is absorbed into the body and the individual is left with hollow scars again. Injecting more is basically safe and can be done as soon as the collagen or fats goes away.

Dermabrasion And Chemical Peels

Both microdermabrasion and dermabrasion employ the same concept of scrubbing away the topmost layer of skin to diminish the appearance of acne scars. This acne scar healing method can be quite expensive and can wreak havoc on sensitive skin since it thins the skin. The same goes for chemical peel treatments that use harsh chemicals to slough off the upper layer of skin to reveal new skin with less of the scarring.


Laser resurfacing uses laser technology to take away the uppermost layer of skin with the most acne damage and to heat up the skin layer next to this. The heating up prompts the formation of new skin which diminishes the appearance of the scar. This acne scar healing option may cost around $2,500 depending on which clinic the acne scar healing is done.


When it concerns identifying the best acne Rosacea treatment it must be said that as yet the medical and scientific community have not been able to pinpoint the exact cause of acne Rosacea though there are many leads available about what the possible reasons for onset of the disease are. In fact, most people that have to seek acne Rosacea treatment are those who have fair skins and are middle aged as well as have some sort of genetic predisposition to the disease.

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There are more than one acne Rosacea treatment options to consider though as yet there are still no clinically proven acne Rosacea treatment methods that can be said to be absolutely effective and reliable. Till proof is found about the effectiveness of various acne Rosacea treatments we have little option than to use a hit and miss method of getting relief.

It pays to discuss suitable acne Rosacea treatments with your doctor or dermatologist who will generally try and diagnose the problem and provide you with suggestions and recommendations as to possible acne Rosacea treatments. Antibiotics are often prescribed and are the first line of defense in regard to trying out an acne Rosacea treatment. Retin A ™ as too Metrogel ™ are the most commonly prescribed of all antibiotics and the reason is that they are anti-inflammatory.

Other alternative solutions include eating wheat and barley as too rye that provides the system with azelaic acid that is effective in controlling acne Rosacea. As a matter of fact, any solution that contains at least twenty percent of azelaic acid has been clinically proven to be effective in treating acne Rosacea.

It is also possible to use herbal acne Rosacea treatments and blood cleansers in particular are very effective though there is as yet no scientific proof as to how effective these herbal remedies are. Nevertheless, burdock root and red clover blossoms as too cleavers are known to be very effective and so are worth a try.

More puzzlingly, people also have chosen to use Vitamin B complex to manage their acne Rosacea. If however you take B6 as too B12; these are not considered to be beneficial as people that have tried these options have found that their symptoms actually got worse.

Ensuring that you do not allow you to be exposed to the sun and not allowing for extreme temperature changes too can be thought of as being effective acne Rosacea treatment options.